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Circle Dance

This class, led by Eve Corrin, and part of our 60+ programme was being held at Harry Rice Hall, 72-74 Hargrave Park, London N19 5JN at the slightly later time of 10am. During the lockdown, Eve took a break and the classes have not (yet) re-commenced.

Dancing in a circle is an ancient tradition common to many cultures; marking special occasions, the seasons, strengthening community and encouraging harmony and peace. Circle Dance draws on the rich and diverse traditional dances of countries from all around the world; the Balkans, Greece, Russia, the Ukraine, and Israel, and our group has a growing repertoire of varied dances, both lively and meditative.

Some of our members have many years' experience of circle dance, but Eve takes us through the steps of each dance before bringing in the music, so new members can join in and soon pick up the steps. Our sessions are good exercise, but we also experience a sense of well-being and community.

This was an HNCC 60+ class. These were funded by donations in the range £1 to £5, which were collected and paid into HNCC's current account to support payment of tutor fees.