Because of the planned demolition and rebuilding project, the building is mostly out of use since 1st March 2019 onwards. Here is a view of the main building of the original centre, whose many rooms hosted a variety of projects, some funded by HNCC, others simply hiring rooms in the centre, including practitioners offering Alternative Therapy. There was also accommodation up two upstairs flats and the adjacent keepers cottage, all now vacated well in advance of demolition.

The view below, looking across from the Fresh Youth Academy shows the large hall, a fully-equipped gymnasium where we used to run classes when the People's Gospel Mission Hall (see picture below) was unavailable.

The People's Gospel Mission Hall used to be an independent venue, but became part of HNCC and was handed over to Camden Council in 2014 and incorporated in the Fresh Youth Academy, which has now moved elsewhere. The campaign to prevent redevelopment of the Bertram Street site failed when planning permission was granted by Camden Council on Thursday 14th February 2019. A new campaign to save the PGMH, which is off-site - on Winscombe Street - and destined to be turned into two town houses was launched on the same day.