This is a regular event, held on second Fridays of the month.
It's worth just listening to the music and it's a bonus being able to join in
the dancing. Some of the pieces require advanced levels of skill but most
are accessible to ordinary folk like us. Latest message:
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Subject: [on-bouge-announce] On Bouge Friday 14 April:
Duo Mistral, aka Chris & Caroline Shaw
Date: 09-04-2023 23:10
From: Chris Shaw <>
To: On Bouge Announcements <>
It's time for On Bouge again, chers amis/ chères amies, and this month
we have the wonderful, the dynamic Duo Mistral. We'll be doing a variety
of dances from all over France again, from BalFolk to Breton and
Bourbonnais, Auvergne to Limousin, Gascony and Béarn. We'll be revising
the Bourrée Planière too. We also have our lovely On Bouge musicians.
Please bring booze and snacks to share.
It's at Heath Street Baptist Church, 84 Heath Street NW3 1DN London.
Please email me at for more information.
Doors Open: 19.15 - Dancing from 19.30 until 23.00
The cost is £10 if booked in advance or £12 on the door. Details are on
our We Got Tickets page: and
also our Facebook page:
Cheers, Chris & Caroline Shaw