This website has been set up to support of the Highgate Newtown Centre Community. HNCC is a registered charity run by its Trustees who are the only official members. They do publish occasional updates, which we link to on our News postings, but apart from the Friends Of Highgate Newtown list, which campaigned against closure of the centre, there has never been a consultation process or an organised way for centre users - and members of the surrounding community - to connect with each other for community development and information sharing, and the aim of this website is to begin to fill this gap.
Coordinators of the Centre's activities, whether officially connected or not - some were independent organisations whose connection with HNCC was simply to hire space - have always had their own contacts, but to reach a wider network, messages can be sent to everyone via the News List. To be included - or if you have any questions or ideas - please go to Contact Us.