Dear Highgate Newtown Folk
As you may know, a group of HNCC students have been campaigning to save the People's Gospel Mission Hall, which as part of the redevelopment process of the centre, is destined to be converted into two town houses and sold off, to make money for Camden Council. We attended meetings of the Camden Council's Planning Committee to state our objections, and although it was designated an "Asset of Community Value" that didn't stop them giving planning permission for the conversion.
The only thing that will stop them is if we put some money together to buy it. Several of the group have become Trustees of a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) which aims to gain charitable status to buy and run the hall, and have set up a Crowd Funding Account: Another proposal - which I have already received an offer of £10k for - is to set up a co-ownership project, and if you think this is of interest to you, please contact me.
Either way, an Open Day with musical performances has been organised to attract people to the Hall to view it, and experience its renowned acoustics and you are warmly invited to participate A FLYER and PROGRAMME for the Event are attached. Please forward this message and invitation to others who may be interested.
Looking forward to meeting you on the day
Yours sincerely
Mary Fee