In order to save the Gospel Mission Hall from being sold off private dwellings and therefore lost to the community, centre users have launched a campaign to have it declared an Asset of Community Value, led by Tamar Swade, pilates tutor. Over a fortnight after the letter had been submitted on 2nd January, with the required 21 signatories of individuals resident in Camden , Tamar received a reply saying it had to be filled in on an Application Form - which helpfully explains that a Community Group has to be formed with a Constitution, and that supporting material is required, all to be submitted by Monday 21st January 2019:
Tamar tamarswade@gmail.com is collecting letters to send to with the completed form to: Andrew.Triggs@camden.gov.uk - so if you write to him direct, after this date, please copy her in. To get involved please Contact Us.