This poster was found tied to a bicycle at the top of Bertrand Street at the beginning of February 2019. Could it be connected with the punchbag support posts which have been attached to the walls on both sides of the People's Gospel Mission Hall?

We understand that the Police, who have had a community base at HNCC, are offering these classes. If so, it appears that they will continue making use of the Hall during the rebuilding period. Does this also mean that Camden Council are reconsidering their plans to replace the hall by two town houses? HNCC's Trustees may not have the answer to this question so if we can get confirmation from Camden Council, we will add this information. See also, Mary Cane's letter on this subject to the Camden New Journal dated 14th February 2019

Anxieties expressed in Mary Cane's letter to the CNJ about potential damage to the walls of this ancient building are well-founded, judging by the fact that two lumps of plaster have fallen off the wall, due to enthusiastic use of the punch bag in one of the boxing sessions - see the additional Guy Ropes with hooks attached to each bracket.

On Thursday 21st February 2019, we observed further damage having been caused, with the Rawl Plug holding the punch-ball bracket having come out - not just causing damage to the wall, but dangerous for whoever might have the whole thing come down on his head!
We showed this photo to Luke Joyce, Camden's Project Manager for the redevelopment of HNCC, but he referred us to the Fresh Youth Academy coordinator......

Update: 10th April 2019:
During an official visit to the Hall to view it as a prospect for purchase by the newly constituted Mission Hall Group, we noticed that the walls had been repaired and there was a free-standing piece of equipment, which looks like a punch-bag holder in - so this is progress!
We understand that the Fresh Youth Academy will continue using the People's Gospel Mission Hall until they are transferred to a new location at the end of May 2019, during which time we will be able to arrange more viewings: - see Campaign Meetings.